Exciting news!
The Autonomi team has officially engaged in a joint-venture partnership with H.E. Dr. Princess Asie Ocansey of the royal Ocansey family of Ghana. Princess Ocansey is the founder and active Executive Chairperson of the Nekotech Center of Excellence. Together, the Nekotech Center of Excellence and Autonomi will be forming a new team: Nekotech AI (www.nekotech.ai – website coming soon). The purpose of the partnership is to help over 100,000 African undergraduate students receive their master’s degree in America.
The program, called the Africa-US Presidential Forum on STEM/AI, has been in an ongoing pilot phase for the last 5 years, but is finally ready to begin mass rollout. Autonomi will be responsible for designing and building all the AI-enabled digital infrastructure required to:
-source students
-determine eligibility
-automate preliminary coursework
-help students choose degree type and university
-secure scholarships and non-collateralized tuition loans
-facilitate community amongst participants
-streamline relocation/travel logistics
-help students acquire discounts on textbooks and other auxiliary fees
-assist with job placement upon graduation
^President of Malawi accepting a $100M commitment from Princess Ocansey & Prodigy Finance for the Africa-US Presidential Forum on STEM/AI
With the help of endorsements from several African presidents, and financial institutions such as Prodigy Finance, the Nekotech AI team has secured over $1 billion in committed funds to serve as non-collateralized tuition loans for eligible African students, along with an additional $25 million worth of prep-school scholarships. The program will help provide people with better education and consequently much higher income earning potential. Upon graduation, students will work in America for 3 years to help pay off their tuition loans, before returning to Africa and dramatically raising the value of Africa’s domestic labor force. Since this is primarily a STEM/AI initiative, students can expect to earn $60,000 – $250,000 per year while working in America (numbers previously considered to be impossible for the average African). There are already some success stories of real students who have completed the program (during the pilot) and begun working in America. You can find these success stories on the Nekotech website.
“Africa has a huge potential to change its fortunes by taking advantage of this STEM educational opportunity,” Princess Ocansey noted. The opportunity is indeed massive: of the 1.4 billion Africans, less than 39,000 students are studying in the United States, whereas South Korea with a population of 51 million, has over 40,000 students in the U.S. Furthermore, India went on a similar route of educating their youth in STEM programs, and the result party reflects in the over $85 billion in remittances that India sees every year vs the $46 billion that Africa receives. We are all EXTREMELY excited to embark on this journey with our newfound partners and begin what will undoubtedly become a truly revolutionary transformation in the socioeconomic landscape of Africa. If any of you keep up with me on TikTok, then you know that I’m committed to social impact, and that mission doesn’t end at the border; I want to help people regardless of where they come from. This joint venture represents an opportunity to do that on a scale I could have never previously imagined.
Perhaps most exciting is that this is just the beginning of what we have planned; the Nekotech AI venture represents Phase 1 of our new 10-year initiative that we’re calling “Autonomi for Africa.” I’ve recently been selected to be a speaker at this year’s Global Entrepreneurship Festival (GEF) in Nigeria this November where I will be revealing more details about the project roadmap and some of the things we’re planning to contribute to Africa. The president of Nigeria will be in attendance so needless to say, we are going to make sure it is a truly remarkable announcement! I know I speak for Issac as well when I say that we are incredibly humbled and grateful that we chose to start this company 5 years ago, and I cannot wait to update you all on the progress we make towards this endeavor.
Last edited: May 28, 2024
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